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These are a Few of My Favorite Things

Where Do You Want to Go This Year?

Let's try this again. Four blog posts in and I was still managing to make spelling errors from carelessness. Not cool, sorry folks! I...

2018: Not a Travel Story, but Still a Journey

This is probably going to be the most difficult piece that I've written so far. In my first post, I promised that I would keep this blog...

Love for Travel, or Love and Travel?

Yay, the incredibly riveting topic of dating! If you couldn't feel my sarcasm oozing through the screen, I'm completely kidding because...

Iceland: Being Present, A Present In Itself

Okay cool, I made the plunge in taking off on a one way flight without a plan. Check. Can I go home now? I'm getting slightly terrified,...

Iceland: Getting There

Sooo here we go! I'm going to be completely honest right now and let you know that I have no clue what I'm doing, but what I can promise...

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